How to Build Your ICP and Craft Your Offer

2 min readSep 2, 2021


The very first step of building a successful agency is twofold: Build your Ideal Client Profile or ICP, and craft your Unique Selling Point or USP.

Before running any outreach, taking any sales calls, and working with any clients, your first task is to figure out who you want to work with, and how you can frame your offer in a way that’s attractive to them.

The first step is to build an ICP.

To build an ICP, ask yourself:

- Who can I get results for?
- What industry are they in?
- Do they have a real need for my services?
- Do I want to work with clients in this industry?

Once you answer these questions, you’ll know exactly who you want to work with.

For example, an ICP could be: eCommerce brand owners with 11–20 employees doing >$200k in annual revenue in the clothing industry.

Something important to know is your ICP isn’t set in stone, you can always pivot to a new ICP if you’re not seeing any traction!

After deciding on an ICP for your targeting, it’s time to craft your offer in a way that’ll attract your ICP to get on the phone with you.

To craft your USP, ask yourself questions like:

- What problems do I solve for my ICP?
- What unique value do I bring to the table?
- What results can I bring to my ICP?
- How am I different from my competitors?

Here are some examples of USPs:

- I help email marketing agencies get more clients by booking 10–15 calls with their ideal brands each month on a Pay-Per-Call basis
- I help eCommerce brands scale their email revenue to 30+% of their total revenue on a results-driven basis
- I help brands increase revenue and take market share from competitors by ranking their products on the first page of Amazon

Your USP will lead the way in things like your web copy, your social media bios, and discussions with prospects.

Not to mention, you’ll be able to craft offers and cold outreach scripts based on your USP.




We help B2B service providers with a proven offer generate a steady stream of 30+ highly targeted, prequalified leads on autopilot using cold email and LinkedIn